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About Corporate Wellness And Rack City Gym

From The President of Punctual Abstract:
When I opened Punctual Abstract back in 1993, everything was done manually, from handwritten run sheets on a legal pad, to fax machines, to hand-delivered abstracts. What started off as a small, local abstracting company has now become a large, nationwide abstracting firm with innovative technology among many other competitive advantages. Along with significant technological advances, my team has developed a customized, proprietary software, where the goal is to eliminate unnecessary, labor-intensive work for our clients.

Over the years while expanding my business, I wanted to focus more of my attention on the well-being of my employees; let’s face it, without them I would not have gotten to where I am today. Adding a corporate wellness program to my organization took a tremendous upfront investment, but the overall benefit outweighs the cost.

Rack City Gym was founded about 6 years ago and the goal was to change the mindset of my employees to one that is more meaningful and fulfilling. I figured if we could get a few of my employees on board in the beginning, it could create a significant ripple effect once more employees began to notice the benefits. Personal accountability and individual training sessions make a great impact on the employee as a whole, giving them a different, more positive outlook on themselves personally.

We have hosted several weight loss competitions where the employees not only compete against one another, but they also form closer relationships with their co-workers by competing on a small group level. It’s not just about winning the competition, but encouraging and motivating one another during the course of these few weeks inspires each individual to focus on themselves personally, physically and emotionally.

The return on investment for me as the owner has been tremendous. Overall productivity has increased, health care and disability costs have decreased, as well as a reduction in the use of sick time and in overall employee turnover.

About Rack City Gym

Five years ago, Rack City Gym started as a 250 square foot warehouse with one trainer, no A/C and minimal equipment. We have now expanded to a 2,000 square foot, fully air conditioned gym with 5 on-staff trainers and 2 group class instructors. We have created what we like to call a personal training paradise with a friendly, humble, motivating environment like no other! Each of our trainers has a method to their madness and brings uniqueness and variety for clients. We are currently looking to expand with an additional 1,500 square foot indoor turf, plus an 1,100 square foot satellite gym space a few miles away, specifically for larger groups and classes. Kaizen is a word we use often that means “continuous, efficient improvement.” You can’t do the same thing and expect different results; we are constantly changing things up, adding new equipment, bringing fresh vibes and just keeping it real all at the same time.

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