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Did Ya Know

The Surveyor – Part 2!

February 7, 2017

As we discussed yesterday the surveyor was one of the most important people in colonial times, so how did one become a surveyor back then? Well according to the book Colonial People, The Surveyor by Christine Petersen when a boy reached the age of thirteen or so his family would search out the options around the community and try to get the boy on as an apprentice. Thru an apprenticeship the boy learned by working with an experienced surveyor which lasted anywhere from a few month or as much as seven years. Whatever the length of time the relationship was considered an indenture and made through a contract. The apprentice promised to serve his master, doing whatever work was asked of him and in return the master agreed to provide a home and food for the apprentice. He promised to teach the boy all the skills needed to become a surveyor and to provide him with all the tools of the trade when his apprenticeship was complete.

Did you know that George Washington was a surveyor? Yes, in 1744 when he was just 13 he was introduced to surveying in school. According to the book, George loved math and being outside so surveying was a perfect fit. He found his father’s old surveying tools and practiced by surveying his brothers turnip patch. Soon George was asked to help on a real survey in Virginia’s Shenandoah Valley. The survey team faced nasty weather, wild animals, and even a fire in his tent, but he loved it and became a professional surveyor. Unfortunately for George in 1754 George was called up to join the army he would later become a great general and the first president of the United States of America.

And to think, I can’t even get my 13 year old to unload the dishwasher!  Lol Happy hunting everyone!