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Real Estate Agents

county real estate data
23 Apr
Real Estate, Real Estate Agents

Interactive Map Reveals Local Real Estate Data in any County

by Punctual Abstract

Zimmerman/Volk Associates is credited with inventing the target market method of real estate market research. Now they’ve created a stunning interactive map just in time for the spring listing se..

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17 Dec
Real Estate Agents

Is your agent bio holding you back?

by Punctual Abstract

Whether you’re a brand-new agent just getting your start in the industry, a veteran looking to take your business to the next level, or a broker who works with a dozen agents every day, your story m..

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25 Jun
Real Estate Agents

How a Realtor Sold 3,556 Homes in 1 Year

by Punctual Abstract

Ben Caballero, a realtor and broker in Addison, TX, has been selling homes since 1960. But it was only in 2018 that he was inducted into the Guinness Book of World Records for achieving “the most an..

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