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Real Estate

county real estate data
23 Apr
Real Estate, Real Estate Agents

Interactive Map Reveals Local Real Estate Data in any County

by Punctual Abstract

Zimmerman/Volk Associates is credited with inventing the target market method of real estate market research. Now they’ve created a stunning interactive map just in time for the spring listing se..

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homes are selling fastest
15 Apr
Real Estate

Where Homes are Selling Fastest & Slowest

by Punctual Abstract

Birds are chirping and flowers are poking up out of the soil. You know what that means: Listing season has begun in earnest! Although we have seen historically low inventory and faster-than-averag..

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27 Mar
Mortgage and Lending, Real Estate

Foreclosures Reach a 10-Year Low: Where Does Your State Stand?

by Punctual Abstract

With U.S. foreclosures at a 10-year low, national loan performance is improving thanks to solid income growth, improved home equity, and the disappearance of high-risk loans. According to CoreLogic..

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