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Title and Real Property

Colorado deed requirements
08 Oct
Title and Real Property

Colorado County Takes Man’s Property, Gives it to Someone Else

by Punctual Abstract

  If you’ve read Punctual Abstract’s 51 Rare but Important Real Property Laws & Practices in 51 Jurisdictions, you know that deed requirements vary significantly from state to state. ..

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hawaii property title
24 Sep
Title and Real Property

Trouble in Paradise? Hawaii Property Title Backlog Leaves Government Inundated

by Punctual Abstract

  We’ve written before about a Hawaii property title issue — the ownership conundrum created when volcanoes create new land. This one, sadly, is a little less fun. The Hawaii Department..

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This picture shows a village in Zambia, where blockchain deed recording is commonplace.
15 Aug
Title and Real Property

Overseas, Blockchain Deed Recording Is Already Happening

by Punctual Abstract

  Though it’s long been predicted that Blockchain would work its way into real estate — specifically with regard to deed and title recording — our states’ traditional deed recording sy..

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