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Corporate wellness blog

11 Dec

Achieve The Oxymoron: Healthy Holiday Eating Tips

by Punctual Abstract

We’re in the heart of the holiday season, so here are a few healthy holiday eating tips.

Holiday meals are defined by large portions followed by seconds, thirds, and then dessert. That means our collective waistlines are challenging the capacities of our collective belts. It happens to everyone: You put on a couple pounds during the holidays. No big deal. In fact, a national survey recently found that the average person in the U.S. gains two pounds over the holidays. The key is making sure that two pounds doesn’t become ten. Here are some healthy holiday eating tips that can help you do just that!

Tip 1: Never Go Shopping on an Empty Stomach

The one thing that is guaranteed besides large meals during the holidays? Shopping. While online sales make up a large portion of current online shopping, many people will still find themselves shopping the old fashioned way: hitting the malls or going shop to shop downtown. Where there’s shopping, there’s sure to be fast food and other tempting options. Do yourself a favor and make a point to eat a healthy meal before heading out shopping!

Tip 2: Keep Track of What You Eat

Keeping a journal of what you eat isn’t just a good idea during the holidays — it’s a good idea all the time. Just being aware of what we are eating can have a powerful impact on our eating habits. It makes you accountable for what you eat and can give you the willpower needed to eat responsible portions. During the holidays, when lounging around with family and snacking is the norm, journaling about what you eat will help you hold off on appetizers and mindless snacking and save your appetite for the real meal!

Tip 3: Eat Before the Party

Warning: If you are going to a dinner party with three to six other people and someone is actually cooking for you, DO NOT DO THIS. If, on the other hand, you are going to a large gathering with a buffet and snacks galore, do yourself a favor and go on a full stomach. That way you can happily limit yourself to the healthy options at the party rather than using the buffet as an excuse to break your dietary goals.

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